招待講演/Invited Talk:14:00-15:00 「知的合意技術/Intelligent Agreement Technologies」 講師(翻訳付きビデオ映像): Professor Reyhan Aydogan Department of Computer Science, Ozyegin University,Istanbul, Turkey Interactive Intelligence Group, Delft University ofTechnology, The Netherlands IJCAI-PRICAI2020におけるANAC競技会運営委員 Abstract: In the past few decades, there has been a growinginterest in automated negotiation, where software agents facilitate negotiation on behalf of their users and try to reach joint agreements. It has been studied extensively in e-commerce settings, but it can also be addressed more generally as a paradigm for solving coordination and cooperation problems e.g., for task allocation. In this speech, Iwill talk about the agreement technologies briefly and the challenges addressed by the International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC).
(1) Advanced Energy Materials (2) New Frontiers for Materials Design (3) Green and Intelligent Materials (4) Functional Materials for Informatics (5) Sustainability, Social Diversity and Gender Equality (6) Smart Transformation in Agriculture and Local Community
受領したアブストラクトにつきましては、主催アカデミーであるChina Association for Science and Technology (CAST)が慎重に審査し、発表する に相応しいと判断されたアブストラクトについては採用通知が送付される予定 です。
主催アカデミー China Association for Science and Technology Email: sca20*mail.sim.ac.cn(*を@に変更して送信して下さい) Tel: +86(21)62511070 ■-------------------------------------------------------------------- 【御案内】2021年度国際交流基金賞について(ご案内) --------------------------------------------------------------------■ 同賞について、推薦依頼がありましたのでお知らせします。